Click a song to play

Id Title Band Length
0 Balmoral Highlanders Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:01:58
1 Battle of Waterloo Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:02:08
2 Col. Glenn A. Walp Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:02:21
3 Highland Cathedral Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:03:50
4 Medley : Amazing Grace / Cool Siloams Ril / A Closer Walk with God Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:02:52
5 Medley : Auch Moutains Bonnie Glen / Dorie Ferry / The Khaki Apron Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:03:29
6 Medley : Castle Dangerous / Balmoral / My Home / Mari's Wedding / Highland Road to Gareloch Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:05:05
7 Medley : Dornoch Links / Piper's Cave / Highland Laddie Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:02:25
8 Medley : Green Hills of Tyrol / Battles O'er Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:02:23
9 Medley : Kenmures Up & Awa Willie / Angus McKinnon Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:02:22
10 Medley : My Land / Dream Valley Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:02:22
11 Medley : Scotland and the Brave / Rowan Tree / Wings / Johnny with the Bandy Legs Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:03:12
12 Medley : She Moves Through the Fair / Kesh Jig / Cook in the Kitchen / Black Robe Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:02:53
13 Medley : Sweet Maid of Glendaurel / Campbell's Farewell to Red Castle Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:01:39
14 Rose of Kevin Grove Washington Memorial Pipe Band 00:04:49

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